Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Task Protocol: Reply on Completion

Just a few reminders/requests:


  1. If an ID e-mails a task or a request directly to you please e-mail (reply all) when that task is completed. If it is a significant task you should ALSO add it to your Google Docs Task List.

  2. It would also be helpful if you e-mail the responsible party upon completion of tasks in your Google Docs Task List in addition to marking them as "done" with the due date.

  3. If you receive a request directly from an instructor or another DE unit (e.g. Design Center or Service Center) please CC the ID/staff member who is responsible for that course or project (Janel, Marc, Ken or myself).


When an instructor request is completed don't forget to reply to the instructor directly.

  1. I also recommend that when we reply to confirm completion of requests that come in from another DE unit (e.g. Design Center or Service Center) we CC the instructor to ensure they get the information.

  2. Finally, when a developer has completed a task successfully, please verify this on their Google Docs Task List by cutting/pasting it to the Completed Tasks sheet.

  3. If you have other ideas/alterations to help us keep instructors in-the-loop, please Comment here.

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